Physio says “Yes!” – Week six

He probably had no idea how much that tiny little word meant to me but when I timidly asked my physio if I could return to running and he said “yes”, I nearly jumped up and hugged him.

It felt like I’d been waiting months for someone to give me the all clear to get back into training.

In reality it had been just short of two weeks since my last attempt to run, but I’d been fighting against shin splints for nearer five weeks.

Aware of how quickly the marathon was looming, I’d started to think I might have to rename my blog “A Wee Lass No Longer on a Mission”.

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Week Six

I’d already tried everything I could think of to cure it – rest, slow running, shin straps, pain killers, icing after training, foam rolling, and yoga.

The pain just wasn’t shifting and physiotherapy seemed like the last resort.

I was so desperate to be fixed that I arrived 15 minutes early to a 7.30am appointment on Saturday.

And after hobbling down a flight of stairs, half asleep, and into a sports physio treatment room in the basement of a private gym, I was met with good news.

The physio checked my bone for fractures then located the source of pain where my soleus muscle and tibia bone meet.

He said the area was inflamed and scar tissue had formed, which was causing tightness – a condition called Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome, also known as shin splints.

He assured that treatment would soothe the inflammation, break down the scar tissue and free up the muscle.

The first treatment session was actually quite a painful experience as he prodded at my tender leg, carrying out massage and ultrasound therapy.

But it was worth every second when he told me that with regular treatment and a few adaptions to my training plan and running technique, I could continue to run.

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Run at Caird Park, Dundee

It was the best thing I’d heard in ages and I couldn’t hide my happiness. In fact I was grinning all day afterwards.

It’ll take time to get back into training properly, but just knowing I can continue has given me a huge boost and restored my faith in my ability to complete the marathon.

I’m running London Marathon 2016 to raise money for Alzheimer Scotland in aid of my gran who has dementia. Please sponsor me. All donations, no matter the size, extremely welcome via my fundraising page:

xxx THANK YOU!! xxx

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