Bearing my soul on week nine

Firstly, I should apologise for not blogging on week eight.

It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just wasn’t sure if anyone wanted to hear what I had to say.

I’m aware I’ve been harping on about this injury for weeks now and it’s not the most inspiring thing to read about over and over.

But the reality was I’d reached breaking point and that’s why I decided not to post.

My left leg had completely seized up and the pain down the front of my shin and foot was unbearable.

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Frosty park run

I couldn’t point my toes or pull them towards me. It was as if I had a wooden leg.

It was stiff all the time, constantly exasperated by walking to work in the frosty mornings and challenging training sessions in the cold evenings.

On top of that, interval running was killing me. Despite advice from my physio to train this way, I didn’t feel like it was helping my shin splints.

For three evenings in a row I fought back tears mid-run and yelled out in pain.

I began to consider pulling out of the marathon. It was only six weeks away and I just wasn’t sure if I could manage it.

As sad as that made me feel, running is something I hope to continue doing for as long as I physically can. The last thing I want to do is push on and cause permanent injury.

On Saturday morning I went to see my physio and told him my thoughts.

He suggested an acupuncture session instead of the massage therapy he had been giving me, and I agreed.

In all honesty I wasn’t convinced before trying it, but I haven’t been feeling very positive about anything these last few weeks so I thought it was worth a go.

My leg didn’t really feel that different after the session but the next day it felt strange.

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Camperdown Park, Dundee

The pain down the front of my shin and foot had disappeared.

The sharp pain in the side of my leg (the original pain) was still there, although it was much less severe.

My leg has felt floppy and weak since the acupuncture. It’s still not strong enough to run on but I am happy with the improvement.

I’m going to cross train with swimming until it feels back to normal.

I’m running London Marathon 2016 to raise money for Alzheimer Scotland in aid of my gran who has dementia. Please sponsor me. All donations, no matter the size, extremely welcome via my fundraising page:

xxx THANK YOU!! xxx

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